Education: BA in Elementary Education, Point Loma Nazarene University
Home town: San Diego, CA
Hobbies: running, hiking
Family: 2 daughters, 1 labradoodle
Classroom wishes: a hanging paper file for kids to put their papers it would have to have 27 pouches
Allergies: Gluten free! :(
Coffee/tea: Tea/ Peach Green Tea unsweetened from Starbucks! :)
Snack: Hippeas- Chips and salsa-cinnamon bears
Night out restaurant: Indochine
Lunch restaurant: Chick-Fil-A
Place to shop: Amazon
Clothing store/style: Gap
Movies (out or in): Back to the Future
Bookstore: Barnes and Noble
Holiday: Christmas
Flower: Tulips-any flower really!
Color: Grass Green
Sports team(s): Broncos
Silly fact about me: I like to dance in my kitchen!