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Lincoln Meadows

About Ms. Lopez

Education:  AA Social Science, Sierra College, AA Liberal Arts, Sierra College

Special awards: 
I have Colorado Shines Credentials for lead preschool teacher. I taught preschool for 5 years!


Home town:  Panama City, Panama


Hobbies:  Traveling, watching and going to sport games, love music and going to concerts!


Family:  Husband- Alex, Daughters Isabella and Gabriella who both attend AALM


Coffee/tea: Vanilla latte hot or iced!


Snack: Popcorn/Twix/Snickers


Night out restaurant: White Chocolate Grill also anywhere that has good ribs!


Lunch restaurant: Ribs


Place to shop: Amazon, Lululemon, Athleta


Clothing store/style: Athleta, Lululemon, Old Navy


Movies (out or in): Home


Bookstore: Barnes & Noble


Holiday: Christmas


Flower: Roses


Color: Blue


Sports team(s): Golden State Warriors/Dallas Cowboys


Silly fact about me: Love to dance!