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Lincoln Meadows

Theatre News

Hi! My name is Zoe Kinner. As your child's drama teacher, I'm excited to guide them through an introduction to the world of theater! Each grade will explore the essentials of storytelling, character development, and the magic of performance.


6th Grade Rotation: We'll start with the basics of telling a story, learning theater terminology, and understanding the parts of a stage. Students will practice pantomime to get comfortable performing in front of peers. Next, they'll dive into character analysis, creating their own character and presenting it to the class. We'll wrap up with an improv unit, where students will learn how spontaneity plays a big role in theater.


7th Grade Rotation: Students will explore fairy tales, learning scene structure and developing three-dimensional characters for a performance. They'll also study monologues, working through scripts to bring their lines to life in a solo performance. We'll dive into the elements of theater, such as set, lighting, props, and costume, and end with a fun improv performance to showcase their skills.


8th Grade Rotation: Students will take their fairy tale knowledge further by creating their own "twisted" versions and writing original scripts. They'll refine their monologue skills and prepare for auditions, practicing different monologue types. In the scene study unit, students will audition, rehearse, and perform group scenes. The rotation will culminate in a final improv performance, putting their creativity and quick thinking to the test.


I look forward to seeing their growth and creativity shine!