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Lincoln Meadows

Elementary (K-5) Tech News

Welcome to Mr. Martin's Technology Specials ClassThe 2024-25 school year is Mr. Martin's sixth year teaching K-5 Technology at American Academy. 
Before coming to American Academy, he spent 19 years as the Library Media Specialist for a small K-12 school in Wyoming. In addition to library sciences, he also taught computer applications and typing. 

Course Overview
In elementary technology students will constantly be working on keyboarding skills. We encourage students to practice typing daily, not just when they have technology rotation.
In addition to typing students will learn computer basics and how to use Google Workspace apps, including Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawing and Classroom. We will discuss digital citizenship with an emphasis on how to stay safe while online as well as thinking like a technology producer with beginning coding.

2-5 Grades: 50% of a student's grade is based on engagement, which includes behavior and participation in class. Just for working in class they earn 47/50 points each rotation. Students can lose points by talking during instruction, disrupting the learning of others, or not following directions. Students can earn points by demonstrating American Academy Manners and Character Traits in class. 
50% of a student's grade is based on how they do on individual assignments, projects and assessments.
K-1 Grades: Students will receive: + (excellent), v (proficient), or - (not proficient) grading marks instead of points. Grading categories include Engagement which is based on behavior and participation in class; as well as Assignments, Assessments, Projects, & Skills.

Clever /
You can view students' activities by accessing via Clever. All classroom activities are listed under which will take you to the necessary platform for the assignment. For additional assistance, please see the Student Clever Login (At Home) page.

Keyboarding Practice
Students should type at least 15 minutes every day (not just when they have technology specials) in order to become familiar with using Home Row to type on the keyboard. Use for keyboarding practice, it is listed in as assignment #1.
Students should meet or exceed these goals to meet typing proficiency:
Grade Words Per Minute (WPM) Accuracy
1st Grade 5 90%
2nd Grade 10 90%
3rd Grade 15 90%
4th Grade 20 90%
5th Grade 25 90%

Parent / Teacher Conferences
Specials Parent / Teacher Conferences
K-5 parents may schedule to meet with me on Wednesday, May 7 or Thursday, May 8 from 4:30PM-7PM at Lincoln Meadows room 213. 
Please use this link to sign up for a 10 minute, in-person, conference slot. In the additional information slot, please include the name(s) and grade(s) of each of your children.
You can also always contact me via email.

The following lessons are subject to change:
  Aug. 26-30 Sept. 2-6 Sept. 9-13 Sept. 16-20 Sept. 23-27
K Krien Louden Baladad Beckel Hunter
1 Quinn True Wilson Crain  
2 LeDoux Liebelt McNeil Aguilar  
3 Izzi Lederhos WIlson Gappa  
4 Folkman McKee Volk Canino  
5 Borror Hunt Tobler Blocker  
Kindergarten: Our first week in the lab we will be going over classroom expectations, and an introduction to computers. We will be learning about how to login to the computers and to properly use the mouse. We will begin using for keyboarding practice.
1st Grade: Our first week in the lab we will be going over classroom expectations, and an introduction to computers. We will take a Technology Pre-Test and then learn about the parts of the computer and using the mouse. We will begin using for keyboarding practice.
2nd Grade: Our first week in the lab we will be going over classroom expectations, and an introduction to computers. We will take a Technology Pre-Test and then review the parts of the computer and using the mouse. We will begin using for keyboarding practice.
3rd Grade: Our first week in the lab we will be going over classroom expectations and take a computer/technology knowledge pre-test through We will also learn about Google Workspace; and review Netiquette and how we should act while online. We will begin using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our first week in the lab we will be going over classroom expectations and take a computer/technology knowledge pre-test through We will also learn about Google Workspace; and review Netiquette and how we should act while online. We will begin using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our first week in the lab we will be going over classroom expectations and take a computer/technology knowledge pre-test through We will also learn about Google Workspace; and review Netiquette and how we should act while online. We will begin using for typing practice.

  Sept. 30-Oct. 4 Oct. 7-11 Oct. 21-25 Oct. 28-Nov. 1 Nov. 4-8
K Krien Louden Baladad Beckel Hunter
  Sept. 23-27 Sept. 30-Oct. 4 Oct. 7-11 Oct. 21-25  
1 Quinn True Wilson Crain  
2 LeDoux Lieblet McNeil Aguilar  
3 Izzi Lederhos Wilson Gappa  
4 Folkman McKee Volk Canino  
5 Borror Hunt Tobler Blocker  
Kindergarten: Our second week in the lab we will be going over parts of the computer; digital citizenship; practice being safe online; and cyberbullying using BrainPop, Jr.; and lessons. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
1st Grade: Our second week in the lab we will be going over digital citizenship; practice being safe online; and cyberbullying using BrainPop, Jr.; and lessons. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
2nd Grade: Our second week in the lab we will be going over digital citizenship; practice being safe online; and cyberbullying using BrainPop, Jr.; and lessons. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
3rd Grade: Our second week in the lab we will finish our Rotation 1 lessons using Google Classroom and digital etiquette via BrainPop. We will expand to staying safe online and using good netiquette by using Digital Passport. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our second week in the lab we will practice good netiquette and staying safe online by working through Digital Compass. We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our second week in the lab we will be reviewing online safety by creating our own BrainPop movie. We will continue using for typing practice.

  Nov. 11-15 Nov. 18-22 Dec. 2-6 Dec. 9-13 Dec. 16-20
K Krien Louden Baladad Beckel Hunter
  Oct. 30-Nov. 3 Nov. 6-10 Nov. 13-17 Nov. 27-Dec. 1  
1 Quinn True Wilson Crain  
2 LeDoux Lieblet McNeil Aguilar  
3 Izzi Lederhos Wilson Gappa  
4 Folkman McKee Volk Canino  
5 Borror Hunt Tobler Blocker  
Kindergarten: Our third week in the lab we will learn word processing basics in and then creating our own Google Doc that includes our name, an animal picture and basic formatting. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
1st Grade: Our third week in the lab we will review word processing basics in and then creating our own Google Doc that includes our name, an animal picture and basic formatting. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
2nd Grade: Our third week in the lab we will review word processing basics in and then creating our own Google Doc that includes our name, an animal picture and basic formatting. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
3rd Grade: Our third week in the lab we will review word processing basics in and then demonstrate our skills using a Google Doc template. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our third week in the lab we review spreadsheets in and create an Animal Research Google Sheets. We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our third week in the lab we will begin our TechnoEntrepreneur unit where students use a variety of Google Workspace apps to assist them in creating a restaurant. To determine their kind of restaurant, students will use Google Sheets to survey their classmates and create a chart of their results. Students will then use Canva to create an original logo of their restaurant. We will continue using for typing practice.

Rotation 4 Classwork
  Jan. 6-10 Jan. 13-17 Jan. 20-24 Jan. 27-31 Feb. 3-7
K Krien Louden Baladad Beckel Hunter
  Dec. 2-6 Dec. 9-13 Dec. 16-20 Jan. 6-10  
1 Quinn True Wilson Crain  
2 LeDoux Liebelt McNeil Aguilar  
3 Izzi Lederhos Wilson Gappa  
4 Folkman McKee Volk Canino  
5 Borror Hunt Tobler Blocker  
Kindergarten: Our fourth week in the lab we will learn presentation basics by creating a basic Google Slides that includes their name and an animal picture. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
1st Grade: Our fourth week in the lab we will review presentation basics by creating a basic Google Slides that includes their name and an animal picture. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
2nd Grade: Our fourth week in the lab we will learn the basics of using a web browser and navigating the Internet using Welcome to the Web. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
3rd Grade: Our fourth week in the lab we learn animation basics in BrainPop and create an animation using Microsoft Paint and Pivot Animator. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our fourth week in the lab we review animation basics in BrainPop and create an animation using Microsoft Paint and Pivot Animator. We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our fourth week in the lab we will continue our TechnoEntrepreneur unit where students use a variety of Google Workspace apps to assist them in creating a restaurant. This week students will use Google Docs to create a professional letter to potential investors. They will then use Google Draw to create their restaurant floor plan. We will continue using for typing practice.

Rotation 5 Classwork
  Feb. 10-14 Feb. 17-21 Feb. 24-28 Mar. 3-7 Mar. 10-14
K Krien Louden Baladad Beckel Hunter
  Jan. 13-17 Jan. 20-24 Jan. 27-31 Feb. 3-7  
1 Quinn True Wilson Crain  
2 LeDoux Liebelt McNeil Aguilar  
3 Izzi Lederhos Wilson Gappa  
4 Folkman McKee Volk Canino  
5 Borror Hunt Tobler Blocker  
Kindergarten: Our fifth week in the lab we will create lines and shapes and use graphics software to create Farms and Animal pictures. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
1st Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will create lines and shapes and use graphics software to demonstrate animal habitats. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
2nd Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will create a Google Slides based on an insect website. We will continue using for keyboarding practice.
3rd Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will review spreadsheets in Students will then survey their classmates' favorite planet and create a Planet Survey Google Sheet table and chart. ts. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will begin coding using We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our fifth week in the lab we will continue our TechnoEntrepreneur unit where students use a variety of Google Workspace apps to assist them in creating a restaurant. This week students will use Google Sheets formulas to track business earnings. We will continue using for typing practice.

  Mar. 24-28 Mar 31-Apr. 4 Apr. 7-11 Apr. 14-18 Apr. 21-25
K Krien Louden Baladad Beckel Hunter *
  Feb. 10-14 Feb. 17-21 Mar. 10-14 Apr. 14-18  
1 Quinn True Wilson Crain  
  Feb. 10-14 Feb. 17-21 Feb. 24-28 Mar. 31-Apr. 4  
2 LeDoux Liebelt Aguilar McNeil  
  Feb. 10-14 Feb. 17-21 Feb. 24-28 Mar. 3-7  
3 Izzi Lederhos Wilson Gappa  
4 Folkman McKee Volk Canino  
5 Borror Hunt Tobler Blocker  
*Final Week of Technology 2024-25
Kindergarten: Our sixth week in the lab we will begin to gain coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
1st Grade: Our sixth week in the lab we will gain coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
2nd Grade: Our sixth week in the lab we will gain coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
3rd Grade: Our sixth week in the lab we will learn how to navigate and use the tools available to them for the upcoming CMAS testing. They will then gain coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our sixth week in the lab we will learn how to navigate and use the tools available to them for the upcoming CMAS testing. We will use Google Docs to create a Colorado History brochure. They will then continue gaining coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our sixth week in the lab we will review navigating around and the tools available to them for the upcoming CMAS testing. We will then.complete our TechnoEntrepreneur unit where students use a variety of Google Workspace and other apps to assist them in creating a restaurant. This week students will use Canva to create a commercial for their restaurant. If time allows, they will then gain coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.

  Apr. 28-May 2 May 5-9 May 12-16 May 19-23
K Krien * Louden * Baladad * Beckel *
  Feb. 24-28 Mar. 3-7 May 5-9 May 19-22
1 True Quinn Wilson * Crain *
  Mar. 10-14 Mar. 24-28 Apr. 14-18 May 12-16
2 Liebelt LeDoux Aguilar McNeil *
  Mar. 10-14 Mar. 24-28 Mar. 31-Apr. 4 Apr. 7-11
3 Izzi Lederhos Wilson Gappa
4 Folkman McKee Volk Canino
5 Borror Hunt Tobler Blocker
*Final Week of Technology 2024-25
Kindergarten: Our final week in the lab we will resume gaining coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
1st Grade: Our seventh week in the lab we will resume gaining coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice. Also see Rotation 8 for Wilson's class.
2nd Grade: Our seventh week in the lab we will resume gaining coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
3rd Grade: Our seventh week in the lab will resume gaining coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our sixth week in the lab we will resume gaining coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons. We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our sixth week in the lab we will begin or resume gaining coding and problem solving experience by working through lessons that include AI Machine Learning. We will continue using for typing practice.

  Mar. 31-APr. 4 Apr. 7-11    
1 Quinn * True    
  Apr. 21-25 Apr. 28-May 2 May 5-9  
2 LeDoux * Liebelt Aguilar *  
  May 14-18 May 21-25 May 28-May 2 May 5-9
3 Izzi Lederhos Wilson * Gappa *
4 Folkman McKee Volk * Canino *
5 Borror Hunt Tobler*  Blocker *
*Final Week of Technology 2024-25
1st Grade: Our eighth week in the lab we will review and take our Technology Post-Test. This is the same test taken at the beginning of the year so we will be able to compare scores to show growth. We will continue using for typing practice.
2nd Grade: Our eighth week in the lab we will review and take our Technology Post-Test. This is the same test taken at the beginning of the year so we will be able to compare scores to show growth. We will continue using for typing practice.
3rd Grade: Our eighth week in the lab we will review and take our 5th Summative Test. This is a similar test to the one taken at the beginning of the year so we will be able to compare scores to show growth. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our eighth week in the lab we will review and take our 5th Summative Test. This is a similar test to the one taken at the beginning of the year so we will be able to compare scores to show growth. We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our eighth week in the lab we will review and take our 5th Summative Test. This is a similar test to the one taken at the beginning of the year so we will be able to compare scores to show growth. We will continue using for typing practice.

  Apr. 28 - May 2  
1 True *  
  May 19-23  
2 LeDoux *  
  May 12-16 May 19-23
3 Izzi * Lederhos *
4 Folkman * McKee *
5 Borror * Hunt *
* Final Week of Technology 2024-25
1st Grade: Our final week in the lab we will wrap up the year with doing computer activities that the students enjoy the most. We will continue using for typing practice.
2nd Grade: Our final week in the lab we will wrap up the year with doing computer activities that the students enjoy the most. We will continue using for typing practice.
3rd Grade: Our final week in the lab we will wrap up the year with doing computer activities that the students enjoy the most. We will continue using for typing practice.
4th Grade: Our final week in the lab we will wrap up the year with doing computer activities that the students enjoy the most. We will continue using for typing practice.
5th Grade: Our final week in the lab we will wrap up the year with doing computer activities that the students enjoy the most. We will continue using for typing practice.