Just go to www.kingsoopers.com
Create an account or sign into your account
Go to the top menu "Savings and Rewards" and choose "King Soopers Community Rewards"
When the page loads, click "Enroll Now" and find your American Academy campus PTO
Once your card is linked you can start tracking dollars spent and receive volunteer hours: for every $200 you spend, you earn 1 volunteer hour! On the volunteer tracker you'll just click the King Soopers Receipt option and log your hours based on the honor system. For ease, it's best to keep track and then log your King Soopers volunteer hours in chunks, such as per month or per trimester (instead of each shopping trip).
In addition, if you're shopping for a school donation item, you can also log your time to shop for an item, time to prepare any items and then time to bring it to school.